Friday, 12 February 2016

Things On My Life Time Bucket List.


Everyone has a bucket list of some form or another, and I'm going to share with you mine!(but not all of it because we will be here for ages) Luckily for me, I've already completed 2 of the things off of it and can't wait to complete more!

1- Go to New York at Christmas time - DONE!

I've always wanted to go to New York in general but mostly at christmas! If you've read my previous posts you would of already known that I went to New York in December and loved it! Back when I was in year 9(2012) one of my Spanish speaking assessments was to write about travel in where you've been and where you want to go to and I believe that one of my sentences in the future paragraph was 'Quiero ir a Nueva York en Navidad' meaning 'I want to go to New York at christmas' and then went on why I wanted to go there. And the reasons why I wanted to was because of how magical it looked/is! There are lights, tree's and music just everywhere within' the main part of the city and it was just amazing!

2- See the Northern Lights in Iceland

I did geography a lot when I was in senior school, mainly because I choose to do it as GCSE, and I remember when I was in year 7 just flicking through a text book trying to find the page our teacher asked us to find, and I stumbled across the Northern Lights page. At that point I didn't really know what they were until I skimmed through the page a little bit, but my first reaction was 'that looks really cool' and then a year or two after that, a car advert came on using them within' it and that's when I then realised that I really wanted to go see them. Because of how amazing and colourful they looked! But HOPEFULLY, at the end of the year I'm going to take my boyfriend to Iceland for his 21st birthday and do the Northern Lights tour along with the Blue Lagoon - and if I do, I will certainly be vlogging it and eventually write a blog post about it.

3 - See Drake in concert - DONE(ish)

For those who know me well, they will know that one of my favourite artists(along side many others) is Drake. I was about 13/14 when I began becoming obsessed with his music and always wanted to see him live. And luckily for me, last year in July I got to see him at Wireless Festival in London along with many other artists. This is hence the ish part, meaning I saw him there but I would LOVE to see him in just his own concert. In 2014 he did a UK tour and one of the dates fell on my birthday and I REALLY wanted to go see him then, but unfortunately all the venues close enough to me were on school days/nights so I couldn't go. But I really hope and pray that he soon does another one so I can see him live again some day! but this then leads onto my 4th item...

4 - Go to a festival - DONE

So July 2015 I went to NewLook's Wireless Festival in Finsbury Park in London and it was amazing! The line up was so good. This included some artists like Drake, A$AP Rocky, PARTYNEXTDOOR, Major Lazer and many more. Unfortunately I didn't get to see much of PARTYNEXTDOOR as he was in the Pepsi tent at the back which was COMPLETELY packed to the point where you couldn't move or breathe so we saw about 10 minutes of him, which is better than not at all to be honest. But I got to watch the whole set for A$AP and Drake. For A$AP we were really close to the front of the crowed but me being small, I got very crushed and had really bad back ache, so for Drake we tried to move more to the back(also so we weren't late out to miss our coach) although, I wish I stayed at the front. But depending on 2016's line up, I really hope to go again and get the VIP viewing area tickets this time so I'm not squished!

5 - Go to Italy

By this list you can probably tell that I want to travel a lot.. so the next place that I'm dying to go to is Italy, specifically Rome and Venice if you want me to be precise! Reason being that I want to go to Italy is to see the amazing architecture and old historical buildings that remain there and to try proper Italian food.. mainly pizza! Because I just love all the 'Italian' food we get over here, such as pizza, pasta.. the lot! Also to get a bit of sun! For those who live in England, like me, you know that sun isn't a thing that occurs a lot here. It's normally, cold, dark and raining. So to be able to go somewhere which is warm and sunny would be so nice. Especially as I love getting a good tan!

6 - Own a pug!

I know this is so cliche and a typical girl thing but I really really want a pug! I'm a massive dog lover and has been wanting a dog since our family one got put down(rest in peace PK, 2007) but due to the illness that my dad has, we unfortunately can't have one! So instead I own everything pug, from pillows, to socks, to ear phones, to underwear.. the lot! But it still doesn't quite cut having a real one. They're just so cute,small and fat that it's hard to resist not wanting one, so as soon as I get my own home I'M GETTING ONE!

7 - Go to Disney Land

In July this year I am lucky enough to go to Disney Land Paris.. Not only to have a holiday and have fun in the park, but to also perform there! and I CANNOT WAIT! Back in April 2015 my dance school got a chance to dance is a West End theatre in London with a company called Mari Gras, and because of that, we were then invited to audition to dance at disney.. and we got it!(Obviously) but not only do we get to dance at Disney but we also get to go in the parade too! So this is an event that I will definitely try to vlog for people to see as it will literally be one of the best days of my life and I'm so looking forward to it!

8 - Travel North and South America

Yet again, another travel one. When I say 'Travel North America' I don't mean, spend 3 months out there travelling(although I would love to do that!) but I mean, try go to as many places within' the USA as possible. For example, I really want to go to California(LA and San Diego to be exact) Florida (Orlando and Miami) Canada (Toronto) and Brazil! I probably won't be able to go to ALL of these places but I really hope I at least get to go to a few, even if it's just two or three!

So these are 8 out of a million things I want to do within' my life time! All of them range a lot in what I want to do and I really hope I can do all of them! Especially the travelling ones, but obviously it'll cost a lot of money! (money I don't have right now)